Winter Pool Care for Sunbelt Pools

If you live in a warmer climate where you don't fully close your pool during the winter, there may be months where it isn't in consistent use. However, it’s important to remember to keep up with these off-season maintenance tasks for an easy transition into the swimming season.

1. Keep Your Pool Chlorinated

Even if you aren’t going to be swimming in your pool often during the off-season, it’s crucial to keep proper chlorine levels. This helps to prevent any bacteria and organic matter growth that would cause problems later on. If you have a chlorine dispenser, consider popping in a few tabs and checking on it every so often. The ideal chlorine levels should be between 1.0 and 3.0 ppm.

Need more chlorine? Check out our Doheny’s 3” Chlorine Tablets and learn why Doheny’s chlorine is the best choice for you!

2. Run your filter at least 8 hours a day

You should keep your pool filter running for at least 8 hours a day during the winter months to prevent stagnation. Like chlorine, this will help to prevent excess buildup of bacteria and organic matter such as algae.

3. Keep track of water and chemical levels

If you plan on occasionally using your pool during the off-season, you’ll want to do occasional checks of your water and chemical levels so it’s easy to get it set up for a quick swim or holiday party. A brief test every week or so should be sufficient in ensuring the quality of your water. Hotter weather and storms can both affect water levels and chemical balance, so it’s important to check levels after those instances as well. Learn more on our blog about water testing.

4. Check for and remove debris

Occasionally check in and around your pool for any dirt, algae, or debris that may have made its way into the water. Use your pool brushes, nets, and vacuums to remove any contaminants from the bottom of the pool, skimmer and pump baskets. 

*Consider using a pool cover to both reduce water evaporation and to help prevent debris in the first place. Solar covers can help retain heat and prevent evaporation, and can be used with a convenient reel system, while leaf nets are great for catching leaves and bigger debris. Learn all about the different types of pool covers here.

5. Inspect and maintain equipment

Check the status of your pool equipment to ensure they’re running properly. You don’t want to go into the season with a broken pump or filter, so an occasional visual inspection of equipment to ensure there are no leaks or problems.

6. Optional: Make use of a heater/heat pump

If you want to be able to comfortably swim all year round and take advantage of those sudden warmer winter days, consider investing in a heater or heat pump. These will help you to get your pool swim-ready quickly so you can enjoy the water at any time. Want to learn more? Check out our blog on choosing the best pool heater for you.

In conclusion, maintaining your sunbelt pool during the winter months is essential for a seamless transition into swim season. By following these key steps, you can ensure that your pool remains clean, safe, and ready for use whenever the opportunity arises.