Olympic Step Renewal Resurfacing Kit Instructions
Important: Olympic Step Renew coating is a heavy-duty high performance two-component material with a defined and limited application window. To ensure a successful project, read and understand these instructions in their entirety before starting the Step Renew process.
- Complete and easy to use kit - Finish your project in a few hours.
- Simple prep and application.
- Tough, durable finish provides years of performance and protection.
- White or blue finish to coordinate with varying pool schemes.
- Anti-slip silica for safety.
- Mixing bucket to mix Prep Magic.
- Putty knife to apply Poxofill.
- Cotton rags or sponge to apply Prep Magic.
- Stiff scrub brush to clean steps with Prep Magic.
- Paint can opener or flat head screwdriver to open cans.
- Electric drill.
- Personal protective equipment (PPE).
SAFETY INFORMATION Safety is always a priority. Read and follow all instructions associated with the Olympic Step Renew Kit including these instructions as well as all labels of included products. Refer to all caution and warning statements, First Aid statements, and general product information included here, on product literature, and on product labels before using and before beginning your project. Use all recommended personal protective equipment including rubber gloves, safety goggles, protective footwear, respirators, and dust masks. Follow all clean-up instructions. Follow all coatings disposal procedures for your local area.
Olympic Step Renew: Pool Step Preparation, Mixing and Application, Clean Up
Proper preparation of the surface is essential to the success of Olympic Step Renew. The pool steps must be free of oil, grease, mildew, algae, pool chemicals, and other contaminants and be scuff sanded prior to coating application.
- Repair any broken or damaged areas of the steps. The enclosed Poxofill may be used for patching. Poxofill is a two-component material and mixes similarly to Step Renew Coating as described below but differs in container size and pot life. The pot life for Poxofill is 30 minutes at 75°F.
- Remove as many surface contaminants as possible with a general water rinse or power wash.
- Rinse thoroughly and dry with towels, a leaf blower, or allow to air dry.
- Scuff sand the areas to be coated with the enclosed sandpaper, being careful to apply even pressure to ensure a uniform profile is achieved. Do not over-sand.
- Remove all dust by sweeping or vacuum.
- Clean the entire surface with the included Prep Magic Cleaner diluted 2:1 with water. (2 parts water – 1 part Prep Magic. Always pour Prep Magic into the water when diluting).
- Rinse thoroughly and dry with towels, leaf blower, or allow to air dry.
- When steps are dry, mask the areas needing protection and you are ready to move to Step 2 – Mixing.
CAUTION: Prep Magic Contains phosphoric acid. Use only in areas with adequate ventilation. If you experience headaches or dizziness, increase fresh air or wear respiratory protection (INIOSH, MSHA TC23C, or equivalent) or leave the area. DO NOT TAKE IT INTERNALLY. If swallowed, do not induce vomiting, seek medical attention immediately. Use proper PPE including chemical resistant gloves, safety goggles, and protective footwear.
Olympic Step Renew coating is a two-component coating meaning Parts A and B must be mixed to create a usable coating and achieve a successful project – mixing instructions are noted below. All two-component products have a pot life, which is the amount of time the product is usable before it cures to the point where the application is no longer possible. Pot life is temperature-sensitive with higher temperatures shortening the usable pot life. The working pot life of Olympic Step Renew is approximately 1 hour from the completion of the wait time noted. Do not mix the two components until all preparation work is complete and you are ready to apply the coating. The pot life of Olympic Step Renew is enough time to complete a project of this size if all prep work is completed prior to mixing the coating.
- The kit contains a short filled one-gallon can of Part A, and a quart can of Part B.
- You must mix the Base and Catalyst by pouring the entire Part B into the short-filled gallon can of Part A.
- Mix thoroughly. Use the included electric drill mixer with a drill to ensure proper and complete activation occurs. Mixing by hand is not recommended.
- Mix until all traces of Part B disappear making sure to blend the bottom and sides of the can. Proper mixing takes several minutes.
- Once complete mixing is achieved, refer to the table below to determine the wait time required before applying Olympic Step Renew – keep the material out of the direct sun during the wait time.
After the appropriate wait time, you are ready to move to Step 3 - Application. Do not mix the anti-slip silica into the Olympic Step Renew coating. It is sprinkled and applied to the wet film after the application of the coating. Instructions for this are below in Step 4.
Application tools are included in the Olympic Step Renew Kit. Two brushes, two roller covers, a roller frame, and a tray are provided.
It is recommended to roll all areas possible and use the brush for edges and tight areas where the roller may not reach sufficiently. Olympic Step Renew will cover in one coat with proper application technique. Avoid runs and sags which indicate the application is too heavy. The thin application will result in poor hiding of the existing surface.
Important The working pot life of Olympic Step Renew is about one hour and is shortened in higher temperatures. Material is not usable after the pot life period. Storing the product in cool areas and not working in direct sun will help extend the pot life to maximum potential. Note your surface temperature should be below 90°F.
Coatings can be slippery when wet. For safety reasons, incorporate anti-slip measures into the coating process. The Olympic Step Renew Kit includes anti-slip silica for this purpose.
- To apply the silica, sprinkle small amounts into the wet paint film on the walking surfaces.
- Allow the coating to dry - the silica will remain on the surface of the dried film.
- Remove any residual silica by vacuuming or sweeping only after the coating has cured.
- Refer to local pool safety codes to determine if any step edge markings are required for your area.
- Immediately clean all tools and any drips/spatter with Olympic No. 1109 Epoxy Solvent. Wear rubber gloves and goggles when handling solvent and cleaning rags soaked with solvent.
- Dispose of solvent-soaked rags per local regulations to avoid possible spontaneous combustion hazards.
- Any unused product should be allowed to dry completely in the open container and disposed of according to local regulations.
- Do not put wet paint, thinner/solvent, tools covered with wet paint, or solvent soaked rags into any dumpster or home trash.
For long term success of Olympic Step Renew, the coating must be fully cured before the steps are submerged. Olympic Step Renew will typically dry to touch in a few hours but the coating is not fully cured at that point. A full cure is needed to provide optimal performance. Allow three days to cure at 75°F or higher temperatures – lower temperature and higher humidity levels will extend the required cure times.
Do not take internally. Close container after each use. Keep away from heat and open flame. Avoid prolonged contact with skin and breathing of vapor. Areas of body or clothing in contact with uncured resin and/or catalyst should be thoroughly cleaned with solvent and washed with soap and water immediately. Use only where there is adequate ventilation. KEEP OUT OF THE REACH OF CHILDREN. FIRST AID – OLYMPIC STEP RENEW COATING If swallowed, do not induce vomiting. Call physician immediately.
Keep away from heat, sparks, and flame. To avoid breathing vapors or spray mist, open windows or doors or use other means to ensure fresh air entry during application and drying. If you experience eye watering, headaches, or dizziness, increase fresh air or wear respiratory protection (NIOSHA/MSHA TC 23C or equivalent) or leave the areas. Close container after each use. Avoid contact with skin.
If swallowed, do not induce vomiting. Give one or two glasses of water and call the physician immediately. In case of eye contact, flush thoroughly with large amounts of clean water for 15 minutes and get medical attention. For skin contact, wash thoroughly with soap and water. If you experience difficulty breathing, leave the area to obtain fresh air. If continued difficulty is experienced, seek medical attention immediately.
Reports have associated repeated and prolonged occupational overexposure to solvents with permanent brain and nervous system damage. Intentional misuse by deliberately concentrating and inhaling the contents may be harmful or fatal. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN